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Spend a season on the Small Isles

Visit Small Isles

Have you ever thought about moving to an island but want to try before you commit? Or perhaps you have a job that can be done from any location. Then you might be interested in spending a season with us on the Small Isles. Over autumn and winter, there are many accommodation providers on the islands who offer discounted rates for extended stays and the community is always keen to welcome and build connections with visitors who bring fresh ideas and can help plug skills gaps with their expertise.

Staying with us over autumn and winter isn’t for the faint of heart. We are quite often lashed with gales and rain, the ferries are cancelled, we get low on fresh supplies and you need to be ok in your own company. But this is outweighed by the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the landscape and community in a way that most visitors never get to experience. You will be warmly welcomed to local events and have the opportunity to volunteer on local projects. Over the winter months there is plenty to enjoy from photography to outdoor pursuits like hillwaking or for the very hardy - sea swimming. Or perhaps you would like to wrap up warm, explore historical and cultural sights, take in the winter wildlife or observe the beautiful, light pollution free night sky? The dark nights lend themselves well to creativity. Long evenings allow time and space to start or continue creative projects. Good internet connection enables islanders to make a living from running remote businesses and you will find many who enjoy creative pursuits such as photography, writing, music and graphic design.

If you are flexible, like an adventure and throwing yourself into community life, this might just be the perfect way to dip your toe into island life and see if it’s for you.

For long term volunteering opportunities on:

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Where to stay?

Each island hosts its own website. You can find more information about accommodation options on each. There is a bunkhouse/ hostel on each island which may be available for longer rental - check out this article for more information.



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